Tuesday 24 November 2009

week nine - Homeostasis

Internal conditions need to be kept steady. THe balance is refered to as homeostasis.

Things that need to be kept in balance:

Water - In sweat, vapour, urine, faeces

Temperature - Maintains the optimum temperature for processes / emzymes

Ions - Managed by the kidneys - Calcium, chloride, copper

Blood Glucose - controlled by the pancreas.

One of the body's system of communication

Nervous system:
-Electrical impulses

-Travel in blood
-Released from (endocrine) glands indirectly to Target Organs

The menstrual cycle.

1.Folicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced in the pituitary gland

2. It eventually gets to the ovaries where it causes an egg to mature in ovary

3. the process causes oestrogen to be released in response, makes its way to pituitary gland to confirm.

4. the Pituitary gland then releases Leuterising Hormone (LH) This causes the matured egg to be released from the ovary.

Looking at this process gives us some clues about fertility and contraception

FSH is given in fertility treatment to increase the likelyhood of conception
This treatement causes many eggs to mature > multiple births

In contraception, FSH is inhibited. Oestrogen is given to block and stop FSH

Excess oestrogen can have side effects:

Greater risk of breast cancer
It can be difficult to restart cycle if should conception become desirable

For women with history of breast cancer in the family, progesterone is an alternative to oestrogen.

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